We are kicking off our 2-part playbook for email and video collaboration.
Whether you are used to working remotely or not, communicating effectively in virtual work environments has gained more importance. And to maintain effective and collaborative communication between teams, digital social interactions are just as important as work communications.
This playbook will cover:
Email correspondence that gets your results and eliminates back and forth communication
Video conference blueprint for effective group brainstorm sessions
Team Discussion
Please discuss with your teams the preferred method of communication that is most impactful. Is it email, TEAMs chat, Slack or other methods?
Agree on the channel that needs to be used consistently when a decision needs to be made or an urgent deadline/project/or other activity needs/requires attention
Even though we are describing BLUF method for email communication. This method applies to ALL forms of virtual communication so you can use it across multiple channels
Commit as a team to using the BLUF method for a week to track your progress towards creating urgency around time sensitive projects and tasks
Team Discussion
Which of the above-mentioned tactics can you implement during your virtual meetings to make your brainstorming sessions more effective?
Choose one to start with.
Assign meeting leader to make sure the process is followed through